I’ve often wondered if there was a way to guarantee success.

When I started New Leaf Creative Strategies, a virtual agency for social entrepreneurs and nonprofits, it was my mission to find this path to success for my clients.

Well, I’ve learned there are no guarantees in life. Great causes and ideas fizzle out when entrepreneurs get lost in their mission.

It’s easy to lose sight of why you started your business in the first place. Struggle and burnout creep in, and you start doubting. Often, right when you are around the corner to success.

It happened to me. I’ve hit the wall several times with my business, feeling pulled in so many directions as if I had nothing was rooting me to my foundation.

That’s when I learned that success has little to do with a secret formula, slicker marketing, or a better website.

And everything to do with growing the leader behind the business.

I spent the last 20 years working with start-ups, watching them succeed and others lose steam.

I noticed some themes, entrepreneurs give up when:

  • You’re not rooted in the right values that fuel their perseverance and leave them fulfilled. I help you tap into your greatest resource.
  • You ignore their environment and psychology. I help you master your message and your mindset. And YOU enjoy the journey; any other destination would be meaningless.
  • Your business struggles to grow when don’t embrace vulnerability with our customers. I help you create an emotional connection that your customers are craving.

When my business started to comprise affect the other parts of my life, I knew things to change. I saw this happening to my clients as well. That’s when I created Brand From Within – to tap into the deepest parts of your soul and discover the resources and confidence that wasn’t there previously.

Brand From Within is a process that combines self-development for the entrepreneur/leadership team, brand strategy, and culture building for organizations to create one cohesive message that ties your business together.

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